Cats are carnivores. They hunt household pests such as mice and rats, which, along with the nice companionship, is a reason many people get cats. They usually have retractable claws, and are very smart and have good agility, speed, and reflexes. Some are known to even open doors or use doggy doors in houses that have them. They can smell better than humans, but can’t see color as well. They meow, hiss, purr, growl, and grunt to communicate. If a cat puffs up, he is not happy. They are famous for several movies and stories, particularly the famous Puss in Boots. The ancient Egyptians worshiped them. Cats are usually active at day and night, and their eyes allow them to see easily in the dark, so it’s not hard. They usually sleep for about 13 hours a day, and they sleep longer as they get older. They lick themselves to clean themselves off. They are fairly solitary animals, though they do love their owners and hang out with them. They eat a lot of fish, so cat food is usually made out of it. They are very amazing and lovable creatures.
-Elizabeth Smith

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